

Registration fee in EUR

Regular prices

30+  2 days 21
30+  2 days, for <17,99 years old 14
20+  2 days 19
20+  2 days, for <17,99 years old 12
One trail (20+ and 30+) 12
One trail for <17,99 years old (20+ and 30+) 7
10+  2 days 12
10+  2 days, for <17,99 years old 8
10+ 1 day 7
10+ 1 day <17,99 years old 6

Croatian Walking Festival day of event prices

30+  2 days 29
30+  2 days, for <17,99 years old 20
20+  2 days 27
20+  2 days, for <17,99 years old 19
One trail (20+ and 30+) 15
One trail for <17,99 years old (20+ and 30+) 10
10+  2 days 16
10+  2 days, for <17,99 years old 11
10+ 1 day 8
10+ 1 day <17,99 years old 7

The number of participants that can register on the day of the event is limited and we are not able to guarantee participation. We advise you to register before the expiration period – 21.8.2024.


Registration fee for the Croatian Walking Festival includes:

  • Croatian Walking Festival organization
  • on-line and on-site registration
  • registration number
  • water during the walk
  • fresh fruit for refreshment during the walk
  • start numbers
  • bus transfer from Otočac or Gospić if you won’t use your own transportation between the cities (this only applies for on-line registration fees for two days; for anybody that registers for one day or on the day of the event, we will not be able to secure bus transfer)

For payment from abroad, it’s obligatory extra payment 10 EUR for each transaction. If you pay for more participants, you add only once 10 EUR. Thank you for understanding. If you email us on we can accept payment on the spot (limited number of groups).