1st Croatian Walking Festival Programme

1st Croatian Walking Festival Programme



31.8. Gospić


18:00-20:00       Registration at Stjepan Radić square in Gospić


1.9.2018 Gospić


7:00-9:30            Registration at Stjepan Radić square in Gospić

9:30                      Croatian Walking Festival opening in Gospić

10:00                    Start of Tesla 20, Tesla 30 and Mini Tesla 12 routes (together)

11:30                     Pause and resting point – Expected arrival at MC Nikola Tesla

12:30                     Expected time for splitting Tesla 20 and Tesla 30 routes

13:00                     Expected arrival of Mini Tesla 12 route

13:30                     Pause II Resting point for Tesla 30 route and III resting point for Tesla 20 route

15:30                     Expected arrival of Tesla 20 route

15:30                    Pause III Resting point for Tesla 30 route

16:30                     Pause IV Resting point for Tesla 30 route

18:00                    Expected arrival of Tesla 30 route

18:00                    Participation acknowledgment distribution (at registration point on Stjepan Radić square in Gospić)

18:30                    Warm meals distribution for participants at Stjepan Radić square in Gospić

19:00                     „Mountaineering, trekking and walking“ brochure promotion at KIC Gospić

20:30                     Gs Big Band concert


2.9.2018 Otočac


7:00-8:30            Registration (City park)

8:30                      Croatian Walking Festival opening in Otočac

9:00                      Start of Gacka 18, Gacka 34 i Mini Gacka 12 routes (together)


10:00                    Pause I resting point for Gacka 18 and Gacka 34 routes

11:00                     Pause I resting point for Gacka 18 route

11:30                     Pause III resting point for Gacka 34 route

12:00                     Expected arrival of Mini Gacka 12 route

13:00                     Pause II resting point for Gacka 18 route

14:00                     Pause IV resting point for Gacka 34 route

14:00                    Expected arrival of Gacka 18 route

15:30                     Pause I resting point for Gacka 34 route

17:00                    Pause II resting point for Gacka 34 route

18:00                    Expected arrival of Gacka 34 route

18:00                    Participation acknowledgment distribution (at registration point in City park, Otočac)

18:30                    Warm meals distribution for participants in City park

19:00                     1st Croatian Walking Festival closing